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The 5 most dangerous words: Maybe it will go away
Serving Washington County, Aloha, Beaverton and Hillsboro, Oregon |    503-642-3423

Shoulder, Arm, and Hand Problems

Serving 4 places in OR | 503-642-3423
Serving 4 places in OR
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Effective Treatment For Shoulder, Arm, And Hand Problems 

Find Out How The Body Communicates

Your brain "talks" with the rest of your body through an extensive communication system mostly made up of nerves. While some nerves go straight to their destination, others first form nerve networks called plexus. You have a number of these nerve plexuses in your body: the cervical plexus on each side of your neck; the brachial plexus near your shoulder; the solar plexus near your stomach; and many, many others, both large and small.

The Brachial Plexus

Your brachial plexus is made up of nerves which come out from the lower portion of the neck. These nerves then interconnect to form the brachial plexus and then branch off to supply different areas. These areas include your shoulders, arms, elbows, wrists, hands, and fingers. Having a problem in any area of the nerve can cause pain and other abnormalities. The most common damage occurs to the nerve as it exits the spinal column. This damage may originate from an old injury, arthritis, sleeping in an awkward position, or chronic stress. These factors may cause neck stiffness or pain which may radiate to the shoulder or to the entire arm. Sometimes, there is no pain, only the perception of numbness or other altered sensations. These sensations may be the only indicators of a problem which should be addressed. 

Schedule an appointment with the experienced chiropractor at Carpenter Chiropractic Clinic to find out more about the treatment for brachial plexus disorders!
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Chiropractic And Brachial Plexus Disorders

Chiropractic care is essential for anyone with shoulder, arm, elbow, or hand problems to relieve nerve stress in order to permit the spine, as well as the rest of the body, to function normally.
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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Composed of carpal bones, the wrist forms a tunnel-like structure called the "carpal tunnel" through which nine tendons and one nerve passes. Because of repetitive trauma or over-using the wrist joint, swelling develops within the tunnel. When the extra fluid is enough to take up too much space, this will cause too much pressure on the nerve as it passes through the tunnel. Carpal tunnel symptoms may include pain, tingling, numbness, and weakness of the fingers, hands, and wrist. Sometimes, it may be so intense that it may awaken the sufferer at night. It usually affects domestic workers, secretaries, computer users, carpenters, musicians, and others who do repetitive tasks with their hands.

Chiropractic And Carpal Tunnel

Traditional medical treatment has not been very successful. Therefore, anyone suffering from carpal tunnel should consult a chiropractor to ensure that their spine and wrist bones are free of subluxations to help relieve the irritation. This treatment may make the difference between a pain-free wrist or surgery.
Call us to schedule an appointment with our chiropractor!
If you have shoulder pain, arm pain, wrist pain or jaw pain, you should consult a chiropractor and ensure that your body is free from spinal subluxations.
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